Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thorpe Family Din Din

Every month we get together with the Thorpe family and have an excellent dinner, great conversation and tons of laughs! Oh my goodness do we laugh! I was hungry by the time I left because I had worked off all of my food! It was great fun! We celebrated Tiffany and Bricker's birthdays while we were there too! Happy B-day guys! We only got one picture (which isn't that great) because unfortunately our photographer Devin, and Gail and Dayton couldn't attend, but hopefully we will catch them next month. The rest of the family did get to come however, Christian's brothers and sisters and all the little kids were there, and even our "almost" new addition Jon who, according to Emerson, "Has the coolest job, cuz he makes toys!" So, it was great to have that many there! We went to Sweet Tomatoes in Sandy. All 22 of us! We all enjoyed the food and had an excellent time! I love getting together with them. I had a blast!


Unknown said...

Gail and I were sorry to miss the festivities and food! When is the next dinner?