Sunday, March 8, 2009

Good Times!

Last night we decided it was time to PARTAY!!!! Ok, so not really but we did have fun! I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, but oh well.

We had a manager's meeting early that morning so we were off early. So, Meghann, Christian, and I decided to go shopping. So, we started at Sears to take back some pants, which I found out later they forgot to take the security tag off, so now I have to go back to the store before I can wear them! Sad day! Then, we went to Sports Authority to check out their ellipticals, then to K Mart to look at their bed sets. Unfortunately, none of the stops were very successful, but it was fun!

After that Meghann met us at our house to play! We watched a little TV and talked for awhile and then started to play MarioKart!!! It was so much fun! I realized how bad I am at "Battle" I always lost my balloons first! We had a ton of fun though! That game is so addicting! After Christian kicked our trash we decided to watch the movie Mr. Brooks. It is a pretty good movie, but really slow and Meghann and I were so tired from working so early we almost fell asleep! So, as soon as it was over she headed home.

It was super fun! It was nice to stay in and just relax, but have fun with Meg Hann! We are pretty much inseparable! HAHA It's great!

Tonight I decided to go to my mom's in Layton. I have Monday off so I am going to hang out with her and Jamie and the kids. We had a great barbecue chicken dinner and then we had cookies and played games. Jamie is putting her kids to bed and then we are going to have a late night girl's night and do our hair. It is going to be super fun! Gotta go now! I will post pics later with the super cute kids!


Troy and Mandy said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I'm excited for should be tons of fun!!!!